Thursday, February 26, 2009

I'm Just A Little Bit Caught In The Middle

My appointment at the clinic wasn't nearly as terrible as I expected. The appointments to come will, of course, be a nightmare as I am expected to make progress. The things I do for anorexia. I'm so sick of bulimia by now that I'm actually going to 'get help' so I can start starving without suspicious. This seems low, yes. However it's much too easy to pass up. How brave they will think me for not purging, for not bingeing either. It will seem as though I'm getting better and all the while my mysterious weight loss will seem to them a pleasant side effect of recovery. It's evil and self-serving but very convenient. Other than that bit of news, all I really have to offer is that I have a splitting headache from not eating all day while running around on very little water. I'm thinking about upping my diet-pill-intake to 2-a-day. You must understand that these are very expensive, somewhat illegal pills, that work well so 2 is a lot. I'll have to be careful not to run out before I get another job, though. God I need the money. I should go apply online at some places. SSTT

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